Boys Hope Girls Hope helps academically capable and motivated children-in-need to meet their full potential and become men and women for others by providing value-centered, family-like homes, opportunities and education through college. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Unfunded Scholar Tuition program.
Cancer Family Care strengthens the well-being and helps ease the suffering of children, adults, and families coping with cancer. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Strength for the Journey Capital Campaign and assist Cancer Family Care in hiring a social worker for its Treehouse Children’s Services program.
Central Clinic has been providing quality Behavioral Health and Forensic services for over 85 years to children, adults and families. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Child and Family Treatment Center.
Children's Home of Northern Kentucky (CHNK) was founded in 1882 to provide for orphans and needy children in the area. Today, it serves a similar mission to provide children and families in crisis opportunities for better lives through their Residential Treatment Program and Community-Based Services. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the CHNK Burlington Outdoor Recreation project.
Children, Inc. (CI) began as the Cathedral Child Development Center in 1977, a small child care center for low-income families in Covington. Today CI is the largest provider of nationally accredited early childhood education in the Greater Cincinnati region. CI has developed a model network of over 70 family child care providers and provides the largest number of STAR-rated school age programs in Kentucky. Each day CI’s programs serve approximately 3,500 children who are safe, nurtured and prepared for school success. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Little Children, Big Impact project.
Established in 1911, Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI) provides counseling, rehabilitation, information and employment services to people who are blind, visually impaired, or print impaired in the Greater Cincinnati area. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support CABVI's Music Program for Children Who are Blind or Visually Impaired.
Cincinnati Early Learning Centers (CELC) is one of the most respected providers of early childhood education in our community. Serving more than 300 young children per year, CELC focuses its centers and services primarily on the urban core and 60% of all children served are economically disadvantaged.A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Sensory PlaySpace at the Cincinnati Center for Autism.
Serving Greater Cincinnati since 1924, City Gospel Mission empowers men, women and at-risk youth to break the cycle of poverty and despair. They offer a variety of one-to-one, relationship-focused programs and services to equip those in need with the spiritual, emotional and physical skills and resources to achieve life transformation. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Expansion of Successful Children's Programs: Princesses Ballet and Whiz Kids.
The Civic Garden Center was officially opened in November of 1942 and from its inception offered classes and solutions to gardening problems to anyone in the Tri-state area who wanted to learn about and promote horticulture. They have become the "home" for the majority of plant societies in the area. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Youth Education programs.
Easter Seals TriState (ESTS) serves people with disabilities, at-risk youth preparing to transition from school to the workplace and adults moving from "welfare to work." The organization is a member of the National Easter Seals, Inc. ESTS is a certified Medicaid provider and accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Easterseals Work & Grow program.
DCCH Center for Children and Families was founded in 1848 as St. John's Orphan Society. For over 115 years, they served the children of Kenton County in that capacity. In the early 1960's, as Diocesan Catholic Children's Home, their mission shifted to serve emotionally troubled and at-risk youth in a residential treatment setting. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Residential Treatment and Behavioral Therapy for Victims of Child Abuse program.
Elementz draws inner-city teens into its center at 1100 Race Street with a diverse offering of culturally-relevant art forms in the areas of music, dance and poetry. Elementz also employs arts instructors who have street credibility with the youth. This means that Elementz has been able to attract a large group of this target population who find the center relevant and supportive, particularly as they go through their teen years. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Studio E (MusicTechnology & Digital Storytelling) program.
The mission of Hibiscus Children’s Center is to provide safety for abused, abandoned and neglected children through prevention programs, residential programs, shelter programs, and recovery programs. Every month, children and families participate in a variety of Hibiscus Children’s Center programs that prevent child abuse and neglect, and help children recover and rebuild their lives. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Career Pathways to Independence Program.
Since 1937, Camp Joy has been providing outdoor experiential programs for inner-city children from the Cincinnati area. In 1959, a 315-acre property in Clarksville, Ohio was purchased to provide a permanent location. Programs have been expanded to include outdoor education programs for schools and leadership programs for all ages. The camp experience has grown to serve those with a variety of challenges including economic, medical, special needs, at risk, and foster children. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Fostering Success program.
The Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati is a coordinating body for more than 60 literacy programs throughout Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Children's Basic Reading Program (CBRP) .
Ohio Justice & Policy Center's mission is to create fair, intelligent, redemptive criminal justice systems through zealous client-centered advocacy, innovative policy reform, and cross-sector community education. Their goals are to promote rehabilitation of incarcerated people, enable them to successfully reintegrate into the community, and eliminate racial disparities in the criminal justice system. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Second Chance project.
Crayons to Computers provides approximately $1,250,000 worth of free school supplies and educational resources monthly to an average of 100 teacher "shoppers" each day. A teacher shopper takes an average of $700 worth of free educational supplies and resources for their classrooms during each shopping trip. As a result, greater Cincinnati school-age children are equipped with the basic tools they need to engage in their schoolwork and homework. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support Crayons to Computers - Mobile Outreach Program - Expansion.
Price Hill Will has undertaken a bold plan of revitalization in East, West and Lower Price Hill. They have rehabbed over 50 residential properties, including the historic Elberon building, which now serves as housing for low income seniors. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the MYCincinnati program.
ProKids is a non-profit agency dedicated to ensuring a safe, permanent, and nurturing home for every child. Children who have been abused and neglected are given a powerful voice by ProKids' volunteer CASAs - Court Appointed Special Advocates - volunteers whose role is to serve the best interests of children who are the subjects of child protection services in Hamilton County Juvenile Court. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support their CASA University, a year-round volunteer training program.
Hamilton County Special Olympics strives to provide year-round sports, training, and competition in a variety of sports for children and adults with mental and developmental disabilities in order to create continuing opportunities for them to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience the joy of achievement, be included in the community, build skills, and make friends. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support Summer and Fall '17 Activities.
The Taft Museum of Art is a Cincinnati treasure that is home to a world-renowned art collection that includes European and American master paintings, Chinese porcelains, and European decorative arts.A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Art Supporting Academic Programs (ASAP).
The Point was chartered in 1972 when three parent groups united to form an advocacy group to assist their loved ones diagnosed with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD). It evolved into a full service agency whose primary focus is to provide real life experiences for the people it serves, giving them the opportunity to be accepted and contributing members of the community. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Dr. Anthony & Geraldine Zembrodt Educational Center.
University of Cincinnati (UC) was established in 1819 and became part of the State university system in 1977. UC enrolls approximately 43,000 students on an annual basis and awards degrees at the associate, baccalaureate, masters and doctoral levels. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the STEM Bicycle Club.
Over the past decade, Visionaries + Voices has dramatically increased the visibility and representation of artists with disabilities in Greater Cincinnati. More artists with disabilities are actively creating and exhibiting artwork than ever before, due in large part to the efforts of V+V and its supporters. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support their Teaching Artist Program (TAP) Residency Circuit.
The Welcome House of Northern Kentucky provides a continuum of services and support for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Welcome House Emergency Shelter for Women and Children.
Wildwood Programs Inc., the Learning Disabilities Association of the Capital Region, is a private, non-profit human service organization, founded in 1967, that provides an array of services to individuals with disabilities. Wildwood has grown into a strong and well-respected agency in the community. They now annually serve over 1300 individuals from a thirteen county region in the Capital Region of New York State. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support their Adult Education program.
Since 1993, First Step Home (FSH) has helped low-income women break the cycle of addiction and abuse so they can become self-sufficient and provide a safe, nurturing environment for their children and families. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Terry Schoenling Home for Mothers and Infants Program.
UpSpring, formerly Faces Without Places, serves the basic needs of school age children, who are homeless, through tutoring and field trips during the summer, and supplies and tutoring, during the school year. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the UpSpring Resource Collaborative.
SEAT offers a growing branch of social enterprise services that support the academic and workforce development of young people who are from underrepresented communities. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the YouthBuild@SEAT Credit Recovery Educational Program.
Annually engaging approximately 250 low-income, racially-underrepresented high school age students statewide about law and the legal field, LLI leverages significant in-kind resources provided through volunteer speakers, coaches, and physical meeting space. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support general operations.
Formed over 180 years ago, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has a long-standing reputation for fulfilling the needs of the poor and has the support of community businesses, local corporations, and concerned citizens. Now in 150 countries, St.Vincent is the largest social service agency of its kind. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the Sweet Dreams Bed Program for Children/Youth.
For the past 16 years, iSPACE has provided engaging, application-based STEM educational opportunities to youth in a variety of settings, as well as to teachers and parents. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the iSPACE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Field Trip Programs for Underserved Students.
The Freestore Foodbank has served our neighbors in need for 46 years, starting in Cincinnati, Ohio and expanding to a 20-county region. Thanks to the generosity of a caring community, they have been able to initiate programs and add services that address the pressing issues related to poverty—issues that ultimately affect us all. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the Power Pack Childhood Hunger Prevention Program.
As schools shift classroom focus and funds increasingly toward core subjects and test-based models, many can no longer support in-house arts education. To offset cutbacks faced by school districts, ETC has developed programs that bridge education and art in engaging ways while integrating relevant life and communications skills that students with autism can use in everyday interactions. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati’s Hunter Heartbeat Program .
In 2009 EDGE Teen Center was formed to address the many challenges facing local teens, such as substance abuse, violence, pregnancy, self-mutilation, eating disorders, and suicide. Since its inception, EDGE has grown from serving 30 teenagers annually, to serving over 100 teens every day, and 700 unduplicated teens each year, making EDGE one of the largest teen centers in Ohio. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support EDGE Teen Center’s After School Program.
Established fourteen years ago by two parents searching for a school and therapies to meet the needs of their young son with autism, Cincinnati Center for Autism (CCA) has grown to become a fully functioning school in Springdale, offering year-round programming for children and young adults ages 3-22. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support Sensory PlaySpace at the Cincinnati Center for Autism.
Established in 2004, the Foundation for Ohio River Education (FORE) originated out of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) and the desire to provide environmental education to students in the region about the Ohio River, its watershed and the surrounding habitat. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support River Research, Education and Adventure Charters (River REACH Program).
Youth At The Center (YATC) officially launched on January 30, 2016, to provide a youth leadership development focus grounded in community engagement and principles of diversity, equity and inclusion. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the REAL Community: Youth Leadership Institute.
ABC provides resources (both administrative and financial) to ensure that public school students can participate in extracurricular activities that will develop the skills for success, regardless of financial need. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the Benjamin Carlson-Berne Scholarship Fund.
Per Scholas’ core job training program in Cincinnati is IT Support, an 8-week, full-time, and tuition-free opportunity leading to professional IT certification. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support Per Scholas Cincinnati IT Training.
Peaslee Neighborhood Center has stood the test of time—no small feat in a community of constant change, confrontation, and unrest. Throughout its 32 years, Peaslee has worked to educate, empower, and bring diverse constituents together to discover common ground. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support Peaslee Neighborhood Center Arts and Music Enrichment Programs.
Jewish Family Service (JFS) has provided professional social services to the greater Cincinnati area since 1943. The agency can trace its roots back to the Hebrew Relief Society, which was founded in 1850. For almost a hundred years, the organization primarily provided financial assistance to economically underprivileged children and families. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support the Bigs & Littles Mentoring Program.
Cincinnati Union Bethel (CUB) has been in operation an astonishing 187 years. Originally established as a settlement house, today CUB provides supportive services to low-income individuals, primarily women and children, through three main program areas: shelter and housing, early childhood education, and employment counseling. Annually, the organization accompanies 683 economically disadvantaged women and children as they work diligently to improve their lives. A gift from Pfau Foundation will support Early Childhood Education: Special Needs Assistant.
Redwood was founded in 1953 by parents as United Cerebral Palsy of Northern Kentucky. Today, Redwood offers the most comprehensive range of disability services in Greater Cincinnati, serving about 700 people through over 365,000 hours of service each year. A gift from the Pfau Foundation will support the Shield of Protection - Roof Replacement Project.